The Prosecco region is beautiful, and Oriana opened many wonderful places/experiences to us.

We were celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary in the Prosecco region, and during our tour with Oriana, we visited three of the best local wineries for private tastings and thoughtful explanations of the many intricacies of making Prosecco. We experienced not just a beautiful place, but also what life is like for the people who live and work there. Over the course of a few hours we toured much of the western end of the region, tasted some fabulous Prosecco (yes, it is better than the Prosecco you can find at home), had a delightful lunch at a small and very local bar, learned the best place to experience the annual Chestnut Festival that was to open that evening. Oriana loves the region she has lived in most all of her life, and made us feel welcome and comfortable in her world. it was a great experience!